Teri Ijeoma Net Worth and Other Information

Teri Ijeoma | Teri Ijeoma Net Worth and Other Information | Teri Ijeoma course | Teri Ijeoma birthday | Teri Ijeoma Trade and Travel | Trade and Travel Teri Ijeoma

Teri Ijeoma Real Name Teri Ijeoma
Teri Ijeoma Net Worth (Approximate) Around $5 Million to $10 Million
Teri Ijeoma Website teriijeoma.com
Teri Ijeoma Course Trade and Travel
Teri Ijeoma Education Bachelor's degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)(2002-2006) and Master's degree from Dallas Theological Seminary (2011-2017)
Teri Ijeoma Birth Date 19 June, 1985
Teri Ijeoma Founding Companies Invest With Teri (Founder and CEO)
Teri Ijeoma Income Sources Stock trading, Educational courses
Teri Ijeoma Residence Dallas, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Teri Ijeoma Profession Investor, Stock trader, Educator, Entrepreneur
Teri Ijeoma Nationality American
Teri Ijeoma Faith/Religion Christianity
Teri Ijeoma Ethnicity African American
Teri Ijeoma Twitter 2.6 K Followers
Teri Ijeoma Tiktok 6.4 K Followers
Teri Ijeoma Facebook 3.4 K Followers
Teri Ijeoma Instagram 165 K Followers
Teri Ijeoma Youtube 141 K Subscribers
Teri Ijeoma Eye colour Black
Teri Ijeoma Hair Colour Black
Teri Ijeoma Zodiac Sign Gemini

Table of Contents

Teri Ijeoma is a renowned stock investor, entrepreneur and educator who has significantly impacted the world of finance and online education. Her journey from an educator to a millionaire trader is a testament to her resilience, innovative thinking and commitment to empowering others. Her story is not only one of financial success but also of perseverance, innovation and a deep commitment to empowering others to achieve financial freedom through stock trading. 

Early Life and Background

Teri Ijeoma grew up in Dallas, Texas, in a household led by her single mother and grandmother. Her upbringing was deeply rooted in the value of education, which was seen as the key to success. This emphasis on education was instilled in her from a young age, shaping her ambitions and laying the foundation for her future endeavors. She grew up with a scarcity mindset due to her family's financial situation. Her mother and grandmother were frugal, often shopping in clearance racks and outlet stores.

Educational Journey

From a young age, Teri showed a keen interest in subjects like physics, which led her to excel academically. She was accepted into the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where she initially planned to study physics. However, she chose to pursue business management instead of physics, recognizing the potential to combine her analytical skills with a broader understanding of business and finance.

Initial Interest in Stock Trading

Teri’s introduction to stock trading came while she was in high school, where she first encountered the concept. Her curiosity about the financial markets grew, leading her to intern at Morgan Stanley after graduating from college. This experience exposed her to the complicated details of the financial markets, sparking a long-term interest in stock trading.

Transition to Education

After her time at Morgan Stanley, Teri made a surprising shift to the education sector, despite her growing interest in finance. She joined Teach for America, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing equal access to education, where she played a crucial role in planning operations and workshops and eventually she became an assistant principal at a newly launched school. Despite her demanding career in education, Teri continued to trade stocks as a side hustle, using the extra income to supplement her salary.

Decision to Focus on Trading Full-Time

As Teri’s skills in stock trading grew, she realized that she was earning $300 per day from her trades, which prompted her to reconsider her career in education. After facing emotional and professional challenges including burnout, she made the bold decision to leave her stable job in education and focus on stock trading full-time. For trading, she uses apps like TradingView, CNBC and Investing.com.

Establishment of Trade and Travel

In 2017, Teri Ijeoma founded Trade and Travel, an educational platform that combines her passion for teaching with her expertise in stock trading. The program is a unique blend of her expertise in stock trading with her love for education, offering courses designed to help others achieve financial independence through trading. Her first classes were held in Thailand, followed by a second in Vietnam. Over time, she refined her course content, making it more comprehensive and accessible to a broader audience. 

Impact of Personal Experiences

The sudden death of a close friend in 2017 had a profound impact on Teri’s life. This self-observation led her to reassess her priorities and pursue her dream of traveling the world. To fund her travels, she relied on her earnings from trading, which by then had become a reliable source of income. In 2017, Teri's apartment on the 25th floor in downtown Dallas flooded due to a fire in another apartment. This incident led to her receiving an insurance check, which helped fund her travels.

Course Success and Revenue Growth

Teri launched her stock trading course with an initial price of $1,000 per person. As her course gained popularity she continued to enhance the content, the course fee increased, her revenue grew significantly. Currently, her latest course Trade and Travel 2.0's price is $9,997. By 2020, Trade and Travel had generated over $10 million in sales, with lifetime sales surpassing $45 million. This success solidified Teri’s reputation as a leading educator in the financial trading space.

Accolades and Recognition

In 2020, In recognition of her achievements, Teri Ijeoma was named Creator Of The Year by Teachable, an e-learning platform that hosts her courses. She has taught over 28,000 students through her Trade and Travel course. This recognition was a testament to her success in the online education space and her impact on thousands of students worldwide as it is helping thousands of students gain financial independence through trading.

Teri Ijeoma’s Net Worth

Teri Ijeoma's net worth is a reflection of her entrepreneurial success, primarily derived from her trading profits and course sales. With Trade and Travel generating millions of dollars in revenue annually, her net worth is estimated to be in the range of around $5 to $10 million. Her income streams include course sales, trading profits and other investments.

Business Strategies and Tools

Teri's success is not just a result of her trading skills. She has built her business using a variety of tools and platforms. She leverages Teachable for course delivery, Calendly for scheduling and Convert Kit for email marketing. These tools have allowed Teri to reach a wide audience, automate key processes and focus on delivering high-quality content to her students which scale her business and helped to maintain a personal touch with her students.

Challenges and Obstacles

Like any entrepreneur, Teri has faced her share of challenges, both internal and external. Overcoming self-doubt and maintaining a growth mindset were crucial to her early success. The external challenges such as hiring the right team and navigating the uncertainties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic tested her resilience and adaptability.

Philosophy and Approach

Teri’s approach to both education and trading is rooted in perseverance and adaptability. She believes in the importance of following market demand and continuously refining her strategies. Her philosophy is to stay informed about the latest trends, stay prepared and be willing to be flexible and adaptable when necessary whether it's trading, business or personal development.

Personal Life and Values

Teri's personal life is deeply influenced by her spiritual beliefs, which guide her decisions and actions. She credits her grandmother and a trusted trading mentor for providing support and guidance throughout her journey. These relationships have provided her with the guidance and encouragement needed to navigate the ups and downs of her journey. Teri's values, shaped by her upbringing, continue to guide her decisions in both her personal and professional life.

Lessons Learned

Reflecting on her journey, Teri shares five key lessons she wishes she had known earlier: the importance of starting small, the value of continuous learning, the power of networking, the necessity of self-care and understanding that failure is a part of the process. These lessons offer practical advice for aspiring traders and entrepreneurs. Teri always advises aspiring traders and entrepreneurs to stay focused, be disciplined and never stop learning.

Future Goals and Aspirations

Teri recently achieved significant milestones, including high revenue goals and purchasing a luxury home in Puerto Rico. Looking ahead, Teri aims to further expand her business to reach a global audience and continue empowering others to achieve financial independence. Her goals include launching new courses, exploring investment opportunities and continuing her journey of personal and professional growth. 

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